
IAN: The fee to see Ian is normally $150/individuals, $160/couples and families per full hour (no GST for these services). Most therapists offer only 50 minute sessions. Some local psychologists with similar training to Ian charge $220 per 50 minutes.


BONNIE: The fee to see Bonnie is normally $135 per full hour (including tax).


Our Intern, Julia Kavanagh, is being supervised by Ian Gartshore. Her fees are flexible (are nominally $60/hr) to pay for her supervision. While she is interning, her fees are not covered by insurance. See her page for more information or to contact her.


If paying this much seems too high, do ask yourself this question: "what is my health and my relationship truly worth?" If you are losing work time, quality time with others, missed opportunities that have financial consequences, the cost to your children (now and in the future) or perhaps a separation (living in different residences is costly!) or even a divorce (check out the cost of hiring one or two lawyers), then is the cost of improving your life that expensive?


For Ian, sliding fees are possible for a limited number of clients per week. Fees are now income tax deductible for Ian's clients, are are also GST-exempt. Some may be able to receive reimbursement from your employer's benefits. Do ask.  Call and we can talk.


Hours vary per counsellor and tend to be flexible, to accommodate as many people as possible. Depending on the therapist you choose, evening and weekend appointments may be possible. If your health or your relationship is important, then call.

What can I expect in an appointment?

Appointments are normally about 60 minutes in length, initially usually spaced once a week (for optimal benefit).


You can expect respect, confidentiality and a no-nonsense approach that quickly gets to the root of the problems and moves toward solutions that you determine. We do not "counsel" (as does a lawyer); we help you find the solutions that will propel your life and/or relationship forward.


We do not "psycho-analyze" you, but help you to draw on your strengths, assist you to curtail your problematic patterns, learn from your mistakes, turn your problems into opportunities, and free you to live life well.


In order to protect your identity please note that your mobile device's GPS tracking function may identify you as coming to our offices. Using e-mails or social media to communicate is not secure. Whenever possible please call your therapist (click here for phone numbers).


For more information about the above, do read this disclosure/agreement, especially should you wish to engage in our services.

Areas of expertise

  • Relationship issues (marriage, couples, family, work)
  • Conflict resolution (marriage, couples, family, work)
  • Anger
  • Anxiety
  • Self-esteem, self-respect, self-love
  • Creating healthy boundaries
  • Abuse (past and current)
  • Shame (addictions, gambling, infidelity, relationship issues)
  • Sexual problems


Employee Assistance Plans (EAP) & others

Yes! If your plan includes Registered Clinical Counsellors (Ian) or Canadian Certified Counsellor (Bonnie), then we can make arrangements.


Other plans may also cover your sessions, such as Victim Services, First Nations, and others. Begin by asking the insurer responsible for covering the sessions if you are covered for our services. If not, it may be possible to have our names added to their list.

To make a credit card payment

You can make a payment for the service in $20 increments by choosing the number needed to match the total. Please identify your therapist.


Thank you


  • Available